
How To Reassemble A Dc39 Animal Cyclone Assembly

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Topic: Dyson DC39 Brute - not picking up  (Read 11933 times)


I have a Dyson DC39 Animal vacuum cleaner - please tin you give me some advice on a problem I�m having.

The vacuum cleaner itself has good suction when all attachments and transparent plastic bin / whirlwind assembly etc are removed.

When assembled, in that location are no blockages in whatever of the tubes - I've checked thoroughly (including at the Inlet Duct Hose area.)

When all tubes are connected (only without any tools attached) information technology however gets good suction when I put my hand over the cease of the tube i.eastward. the point uttermost away from the main motor.

The problem is this - when the Trigger Head is attached, the rollers spin a few times and then stop spinning. When moved across the carpeting, the Trigger Head doesn't pick annihilation up. In that location is notwithstanding quite strong suction coming through the Trigger Caput, although perhaps not quite equally much equally there should be (I'm not admittedly sure what level of suction here is normal).

When other tools are attached e.m. the Mini Turbine - the rollers spin effectually rapidly and the tool appears to bear commonly. This tool and others pick things up from the rug with what seems like skillful, if not super powerful suction.

The filter has not been washed as oft as it should have been, although it was washed a couple of days ago.

There is a small crevice in the transparent plastic bin - I've sellotaped this up to ensure a seal.

From the description above, please can you give me your thoughts - is there any office that is likely to be the cause of the problem? Or something really obvious that�s the cause of this?

I'chiliad guessing the problem may exist the Filter considering it�southward not been washed enough, or the Trigger Caput itself (or maybe both) and I was looking at the following items with a view to trying to gear up the problem. britain/Dyson/DC39-DC53-washable-filter?search=filter&clarification=true

Thanks in accelerate for your help and I await forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,


Howdy John

Welcome to the site :tiphat:

From your description, it sounds like your machine is fine and the outcome lies with your principal head.

The head on your model is powered from air menstruum through a turbine within the head. We know you lot have good airflow equally it powers your other caput. I would first remove the brush head and making sure it is completely articulate of pilus, debris etc.

Other than that, information technology would exist a strip down of the head to have a look at the turbine. Guys - is there a strip down on hither of the DC39 turbine head?

Thanks for getting back to me then quickly.

I've tried a bones make clean of the chief Trigger Head (ie opening information technology up with a coin, sliding out the long black tube with the bristles and removing trapped pilus etc) Merely the trouble remained.

Is this probable to be repairable do you recollect? Or do I need to get a new main Trigger Head?

Thanks again for your fourth dimension and advice.

Kind regards,


If suction is strong at the tube where it goes into the head, I agree the head itself will be duff.

They are quite expensive those head units, merely these are a cheaper pick.

Thank you again for all your help and advice - this is a great website - really pleased I found this forum and Manchester Vacs.

I think I'll probably become for the cheaper replacement head - would in that location exist a really noticeable difference betwixt this and the original Dyson Trigger Head in terms of picking upwards stuff? I'm not a collector of Dysons etc (although I could easily see how how you lot can get into it) merely looking to get the ane I take working over again.

I was also going to ask please - the circular console on one side of the vacuum cleaner torso came off and the screw is missing. What kind of screw is appropriate delight and do you sell one?

Epitome attached showing location.

[ Specified attachment is not available ]
Kind regards,


Link this topic in the comments during order and nosotros'll hurl you i in FOC. Or answer the confirmation electronic mail with a link and inquire to bung a screw in.

Thanks again, that's very kind of you lot.


They are quite expensive those head units, simply these are a cheaper selection.

In your experience, how practise these compare to the originals?

You miss 100% of the Dysons you don't buy.  -Wayne Gretzky
 -Michael Scott  -GeorgeJ

They are quite expensive those head units, merely these are a cheaper choice.

In your experience, how do these compare to the originals?

Non quite equally good, merely quite acceptable. People dont mutter about them anyhow.

They are quite expensive those head units, but these are a cheaper selection.

In your experience, how practice these compare to the originals?

Not quite every bit good, simply quite acceptable. People dont complain about them anyway.

What makes them not equally adept?  I was toying with getting i new for a 23 I'one thousand selling.

Y'all miss 100% of the Dysons you don't buy.  -Wayne Gretzky
 -Michael Scott  -GeorgeJ

They are quite expensive those head units, only these are a cheaper pick.

In your experience, how do these compare to the originals?

Non quite as good, but quite adequate. People dont complain about them anyhow.
What makes them non every bit skillful?  I was toying with getting one new for a 23 I'm selling.

They are non winning whatsoever design awards is what I mean. They work OK. We put them on 23s as well.

They don't wait bad at all.

I suppose if they work perfectly fine then it's no thing. Thanks!

You miss 100% of the Dysons you don't buy.  -Wayne Gretzky
 -Michael Scott  -GeorgeJ

Basically Dyson turbo brushes exercise the opposite of a normal turbo brush- Half the suction goes to the surface y'all're cleaning and the other half goes to the turbine on the side. when airflow is restricted (when it hits the surface) the brushes speed upwards.

A normal turbo brush slows downwardly equally shortly as information technology hits the surface as it's a "dingy air" design

DC14s are tanks, just need a slightly longer motor life. Do plastic parts frequently break on DC14s? Nope. DC41- Sexy looking futuristic and powerful machine. Just needs a better designed cleaner caput wheel and whirlwind clip along with a dense metallic rod in the chassis.

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