
How To Connect Node App To Mlab

Heroku allows developers to deploy Node.js app with MongoDB as a plugin on their platform. This is a simple tutorial for deploying a similar application using Node.js and MongoDB.

Before we begin the tutorial, I want to say about my OS. I'm using Linux, Ubuntu 16.04.

This is my repository for the tutorial on Github.

1. Working on local machine with Node.js and MongoDB

First, we should work with Node.js and MongoDB on a local machine environment before deploying onto Heroky.

1.1. Quickstart Node.js app with express

Express is a minimal and flexible Node.js web application framework that provides a robust set of features for web and mobile applications. We can use the package to create node.js app fastly.

                          # Create new directory              mkdir tut-heroku-node-mongo cd tut-heroku-node-mongo/              # Initialize node.js by Express with view engine is ejs              express --ejs --git              # Install packages              npm install                      

1.2. Environment Variables in Node.js with dotenv

Dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env. To use environment variables for node.js app, use package dotenv and create file .env for app.

            npm install dotenv --save touch .env                      
  • Open file .env and add lines formated key=value without spaces, example:
  • With dotenv, now we can access environment variables in file .env by process.env.*. To access effectively and accurately, we create file config.js.
  • In file config.js, we export environment variables to use by following lines:
                          module.exports              =              {              secretKey              :              process.env.SECRET_KEY              ||              'default secret key'              }                      
  • We also have to configure package dotenv by require package in app.js.

  • At the top of file app.js, add the following lines

                          // load environment variables in file .env to process.env.*                                          require('dotenv').config();                      

1.3. Configure MongoDB database

Now, we'll create new MongoDB database at local to use. This step is very simple. If you're using Linux or MacOS, maybe you will start mongodb by

            sudo service mongod start                      

If you're using Window, maybe you will start mongodb by Service Manager.

  • Open file .env to add the values:
  • We should also export the values in file config.js:
                          module.exports              =              {              secretKey              :              process.env.SECRET_KEY              ||              'default secret key',              uriMongo              :              process.env.URI_MONGO              ||              'mongodb://localhost/tut-heroku-node-mongo'              }                      

For development, you maybe don't need add file .env because we have default value for URI_MONGO is localhost

1.4. Connect Node.js to MongoDB using mongoose

Mongoose provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model your application data. It includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box. Mongoose is ORM for Node.js with Mongodb

            npm install --save mongoose                      

Connecting to mongodb will be done after creating models by mongoose.

1.5. Create database models with mongoose

  • Run some commands for initialize models
            mkdir models touch index.js touch user.js touch post.js                      
  • In file user.js, create new schema with mongoose:
                          const              mongoose              =              require('mongoose');              const              Schema              =              mongoose.Schema;              const              UserSchema              =              new              Schema({              username              :              {              type              :              String,              unique              :              true              },              password              :              String });              mongoose.model('User',              UserSchema);                      
  • In file post.js, create new schema with mongoose:
                          const              mongoose              =              require('mongoose');              const              Schema              =              mongoose.Schema;              const              PostSchema              =              new              Schema({              title              :              String,              content              :              String,              user              :              {              type              :              Schema.Types.ObjectId,              ref              :              'User'              } });              mongoose.model('Post',              PostSchema);                      
  • In file index.js, import schema models connect to mongodb.
                          const              fs              =              require('fs');              const              path              =              require('path');              const              mongoose              =              require('mongoose');              const              config              =              require('../config');              fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname,              './')).forEach((file) => {              if              (file.indexOf('index')              ==              -              1) {              require(path.join(__dirname,              file));   } });              module.exports              =              new              Promise((resolve,              reject) => {              mongoose.connect(config.uriMongo, (err) => {              if              (err)              return              reject(err);              console.log('Mongo is connected');              return              resolve();   }); });                      
  • In file app.js, add lines
                          /// ...                                          var              bodyParser              =              require('body-parser');              require('./models');              var              index              =              require('./routes/index');              /// ...                                    

1.6. Create APIs for models

  • Create file posts.js in routes.

  • Edit file routes/users.js with:

                          var              express              =              require('express');              const              mongoose              =              require('mongoose');              const              User              =              mongoose.model('User');              var              router              =              express.Router();              /* GET users listing. */              router.get('/',              function              (req,              res,              next) {              User.find({},              '-password')     .then(data              =>              res.status(200).send(data))     .catch(err              =>              res.status(500).send(err)) });              module.exports              =              router;                      
  • Edit file routes/posts.js with:
                          var              express              =              require('express');              const              mongoose              =              require('mongoose');              const              Post              =              mongoose.model('Post');              var              router              =              express.Router();              /* GET posts listing. */              router.get('/',              function              (req,              res,              next) {              Post.find().populate('user',              '-password').exec()     .then(data              =>              res.status(200).send(data))     .catch(err              =>              res.status(500).send(err)) });              module.exports              =              router;                      
  • Edit file app.js with:
                          var              index              =              require('./routes/index');              var              users              =              require('./routes/users');              var              posts              =              require('./routes/posts');              app.use('/',              index);              app.use('/users',              users);              app.use('/posts',              posts);                      

1.7. Create scripts for database (drop and fake data)

  • To create or drop database quickly, you maybe add some scripts.
            mkdir scripts cd scripts/ touch drop.js touch fake.js                      
  • In file package.json, add scripts
            {              "scripts": {              "start":              "node ./bin/www",              "db:fake":              "node scripts/fake",              "db:drop":              "node scripts/drop"              } }                      
  • Add package async to fake data simpler
  • In file drop.js, edit by
                          require('dotenv').config();              const              mongoose              =              require('mongoose');              const              config              =              require('../config');              mongoose.connect(config.uriMongo)   .then(() =>              mongoose.connection.db.dropDatabase())   .then(() => {              console.log('Drop database OK');              process.exit(0); })   .catch(err              => {              console.log(err);              process.exit(0); })                      
  • In file fake.js, edit by
                          require('dotenv').config();              require('../models');              const              async              =              require('async');              const              mongoose              =              require('mongoose');              const              User              =              mongoose.model('User');              const              Post              =              mongoose.model('Post');              const              users              =              [];              for              (let              i              =              0;              i              <              15;              i              ++) {              users.push({              username              :              'username_'              +              i,              password              :              'password_'              +              i              }); }              async.eachSeries(users, (_user,              cb) => {              const              user              =              new              User(_user);                  => {              const              posts              =              [];              const              num_posts              =              Math.floor(Math.random()              *              6);              for              (let              i              =              0;              i              <              num_posts;              i              ++) {              posts.push({              title              :              'Post '              +              i              +              ' of user '              +    ,              content              :              'something here',              user              :              user._id              });     }              async.eachSeries(posts, (_post,              cb) => {              const              post              =              new              Post(_post);                  =>              cb()).catch(err              =>              cb(err));     }, (err) =>              cb(err))   })     .catch(err              =>              cb(err)) }, (err) => {              if              (err) {              console.log(err);              process.exit(0); }              console.log('Fake successfully');              process.exit(0); });                      
  • Now we can fake or drop data by run
                          # for drop data              npm run db:drop              # for fake data              npm run db:fake                      
  • Edit file views/index.ejs by add following lines
            <p>View list of users: <a              href              =              "/users"              target              =              "_blank"              alt              =              ""              >}}/users</a></p> <p>View list of posts: <a              href              =              "/posts"              target              =              "_blank"              alt              =              ""              >}}/posts</a></p>                      
  • Start server node.js and click 2 url in view to view your data, that will be:
    • http://localhost:3000/users
    • http://localhost:3000/posts

2. Deploy to Heroku with MongoDB

Now we will use heroku to run our node.js, configure the MongoDB database on heroku and deploy it.

2.1. Add new Heroku application

  • Login or sign up new account on heroku.

  • Go to dashboard heroku and create new app

  • Create new app. My app name is tutorial-node-mongo, therefore, when you can't create new app with similar name, you shold choose another.

  • Next, we will use git for local repository and remote to heroku
            heroku login              # at your directory              git init heroku git:remote -a tutorial-node-mongo              # tutorial-node-mongo should you app name                      
  • Now, we can use git to deploy to heroku by commit and push. Because your local directory is remote to heroku, so in file .gitignore, you don't need ignore file .env to deploy environment variables to heroku. Therefore, check your file .gitignore, if it has line .env, you should comment that line before push to heroku. But currently we will not push to heroku because we will configure postgre data on heroku with following instructions

2.2. MongoDB database with mLab

mLab is a fully managed cloud database service featuring automated provisioning and scaling of MongoDB databases, backup and recovery, 24/7 monitoring and alerting, web-based management tools, and expert support. mLab's Database-as-a-Service platform powers hundreds of thousands of databases across AWS, Azure, and Google and allows developers to focus their attention on product development instead of operations.

  • Now we should login or sign up new account on mLab.

  • Next, we'll create new database:

  • Click to button Create New

  • Choose cloud is AWS and plan is SandBox for free

  • Choose AWS Region

  • Add Database name, I add tutorial-node-mongo

  • After new database created, get MongoDB URI and add new user by click to button Add database user

  • Edit file .env with new value

Change <dbuser> and <dbpassword> with your user.

  • Test at local whether connect to mLab by npm start

  • Now we can deploy to heroku app by using git commands

                          # view changes              git status              # add all changes              git add -A  git commit -m              "deploy new app"              # push to remote heroku, branch master              git push heroku master                      
  • After commit and push to heroku, heroku auto build packages and start your server node.js. After build successfully, you can view your web herokuapp on your browser by

You can see

  • When click /users or /posts, you can't see anything, because your database on heroku don't have any. You should add or fake some in your cloud. Now I will do that in following section.

2.3. Add or fake database on mLab

You can run

2.4. Remote mLab to local with Robo 3T (Robomongo)

Robo 3T Native and cross-platform MongoDB manager, (formerly Robomongo) is the free lightweight GUI for MongoDB enthusiasts. Distributed as a native application, fast and snappy Robo 3T uses very little of your machine resources.

  • Open Robo 3T and add new connection by click on menu or use Ctrl + N

  • Name: optionals, that will be name of connection on UI

  • Address: In URI mongodb on mLab, get from @ to :, my address is and port is 27345

  • Database: that is your database name on mLab, in URI Mongo, that is after / to end. My database is tutorial-node-mongo

  • Username and Password is <dbuser> and <dbpassword> in your URI.

  • Next, click Test button to test connection, you will see:

  • Now we can manage database from mLab to Robo 3T

2.5. Open Heroku App

Open herokuapp, you can see data also available

  • This /users:

  • This is /posts:

3. Conclusion

I have shown you how to deploy a node.js app to heroku with the MongoDB database on mLab, which uses some packages like express, mongoose, dotenv. You can see my source code for example on this Github Repository.

Thanks for reading my article! If you have any feedback or criticism, feel free to leave any comment!

How To Connect Node App To Mlab


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